More Pretty People Pretty Please

Another thing I’ve learned from online dating is that I wish there were more pretty people (well, men at least ;)).  I know, I know but, let me explain.  I have very, very particular tastes & I make it very clear on my dating site profile & on Facebook, etc what these tastes are. I even offer up a list of celebrities and musicians on in case someone isn’t sure if they are my type.  Yet, most of the guys I get messages from (& recently in the comments here) are the exact opposite of what I am attracted to.  At first, I replied nicely to everyone even if I wasn’t interested because I thought it would be rude to ignore them.  I learned very quickly why this is not a good idea.  Typical guys get PISSED when you reject them or they tell you that you are shallow or ask you why you are turning them down.  Sigh.  Really?  I’m shallow you dumb mother fucker?  All you saw was a pair of tits, ignored the words on my profile and messaged me anyway. 


When they ask “why?” I just shake my head & tell my computer screen that they don’t want to hear the answer.  I have been told “fuck off, cunt” from a big, fat 50+ year old biker.  I had a guy curse me out & send me unsolicited dick pics. He said the most horrible things.  Unfortunately, for him he had (like a moron) left his phone number in his messages to me (as if I was interested).  After I posted what he said on Facebook, someone I know on Facebook (I was not aware of this until after he did it) took his phone number & created a very entertaining Craigslist ad pretending to be this guy & yes, I laughed my ass off.  He probably received quite a few messages from men wanting rim jobs & I could almost HEAR him cursing me. 🙂   I can go on and on & trust me, I have two albums full of these guys on Facebook with what they have said to me & I have literally been banned from one dating site from calling these guys out on their bullshit. I’d just post their comments, pics & user names right on my profile.  My therapist says I’m being a bully (which I put thought into) & think that if she saw what these guys say, she’d agree with me.  


Anyway, back to the pretty people.  I model.  I’ve mentioned this.  Models are constantly being rejected & we are okay with this. If I don’t have the look for a project, I just don’t.  I say thank you & move on the the next casting call. It doesn’t mean I’m any less attractive or pretty than the next model & I suppose this experience has made me okay with rejection with online dating. If I’m not someone’s type, I treat it the same way as a casting call.


Models, from what I have observed, tend to be pretty chill people who appreciate art.  They know (unlike most of the guys that hit on me) that we are not the people that we portray in our pictures.  Models don’t message other models obsessing over particular body parts & never getting passed just body parts.  Models don’t send other models dumb messages saying shit like “you look like fun” or “nice hair” or ask boob size.  If I think about it, probably the person I’ve gotten to know the most that I’ve met on a dating site is also a model. 


So, I’m thinking if there were more pretty people there would be more models.  I’d have a larger pool of attractive men to choose from who would be less likely to turn into jerk offs.  A girl can dream.